Tell more people why your homes are better places to live in

You really should tell more people why your homes are better places to live in. How else are you going to cast a wider net for property inquiries if you don’t do this?

Get the message out about why your homes are better places to live in

why your homes are better places to live inWe’ve met with many different housing providers saying the same thing. Most of the time you will shout about the ‘big news’, for example, a new housing development. However, a lot of the time you won’t mention the work you have done to upgrade your homes making them more eco-friendly and cost effective. Surely that’s a great message to get out?

Have a clear marketing and communications strategy

Like anything you need to have a strategy in place. So let’s take the example of making your homes eco-friendly. So why are you upgrading your housing stock to make them eco-friendly? You need to be clear what the benefits are and note these down. You also need to be clear what your overarching goal is. Is it to get more tenants? Or is it to improve for existing tenants? It could be a mix of both.

Telling more people why your homes are better places to live in could make the difference

As well as your business case to upgrade these homes your also need to make sure you have a delivery plan in place. This should include a marketing and communications strategy. So you don’t just finish the work and nobody other than existing residents knows about it. When people are searching for a new home there will be a number of things they are seeking. It could be that they are looking to save money on their energy bills. So what better message is there than the fact you have upgraded your homes to be eco-friendly. So not only are they great for the environment, but they will also help existing and new tenants to save on their energy bills. In this instance your properties are an attractive proposition. So telling more people why your homes are better places to live in could make the difference.

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