Geo-targeting with google, facebook and instagram ads to find new buyers

Geo-targeting with google, facebook and instagram ads to find new buyers

Never assume! That’s one of the sayings that was drummed in to me at an early age. So if you are a housing association with shared ownership houses don’t just assume that would be buyers will visit your property adverts via the main portals. Geo-targeting your marketing efforts to find new home owners.

What do we mean by geo-targeting your marketing efforts

For example, if you have shared ownership schemes on offer in a particular location the likelihood is that most of your buyers will either already live there or they will be in surrounding areas. That’s not to say your buyers won’t come from further afield. That isn’t the case. However, to get the most from your marketing budget you want to ensure you are promoting your shared ownership homes to those who are likely to be interested. So geo-targeting your marketing efforts means focusing in on a particular area. It may be that the majority of your marketing activating is within a certain radius where your homes are located.

Social media is an effective online marketing tool for geo-targeting

You can use the likes of google, facebook and instagram to promote your new homes to your target market. When using Facebook you can specify what areas you want to target. This can be with adverts or can even be promoting the posts you add to your Facebook page. We’ve only mentioned these three, but of course there is no tiktok to consider too.

Offline ways of geo-targeting your marketing efforts

Advertising in a local newspaper is one way you can market your available homes to your target market. You may also consider leaflet drops or other bespoke advertising opportunities in the areas where you are targeting potential shared ownership home owners.

Accurate property descriptions containing commuting information

It’s not just about the online and offline marketing efforts for geo-targeting. You can also ensure that the property description accurately describes the part ownership homes you have available. It is useful if you include information about the commuting distances. This could make a big difference in helping you to attract people into shared ownership homes from outside the area.

Get in touch if you would like to find new buyers for your shared ownership properties. We’d love to help you.

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