March 2018

Zoopla data feed for Housing Associations

So what is the Zoopla data feed for Housing Associations? MovingSoon have announced that they have developed a data feed to property website Zoopla.  This comes after the success of the innovative Rightmove data feed. This is important news for advertisers who use multiple online portals to advertise their properties as it will save them time and money. Feed me property! Just to recap, the data feed...

Affordable hot desking, coworking space and shared office spaces

Looking for a hot desk or coworking space? We are now advertising affordable coworking space and shared office space.  Since 2013, MovingSoon has been a specialist in helping people find affordable property to rent or buy.  They now want to help freelancers or start-up businesses that need a flexible affordable office environment, find a place to work. Coworking office space is affordable More people...

Are you tracking your cost per lead and conversions?

This article is for Housing Associations, Councils, Estate Agents, Letting Agents and Developers. Are you tracking your cost per lead and conversions? It's an important question. Are leads for your properties going into a central pot? We are aware that in some cases all leads, no matter where they are generated, land in the one pot. So it is impossible to say which platform is giving a return on...

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