Housing Waiting List

Is there an affordable housing waiting list near me? Housing associations, councils, house builders and agents list their available properties for rent or sale. However, they also add schemes where they are building up a housing waiting list.

Why do housing providers have waiting lists for their sheltered and retirement schemes?

This is because due to the nature of them being a scheme they may tend to get more vacancies. For example they may have a scheme of 50 retirement flats to rent. There may be several vacancies in the same scheme during the year. However, there may be times when they don’t have any availability, however due to the nature of these properties they predict there will be some availability in the coming weeks or months. So they like to inform those on the waiting list as and when they become available.

Also, if there are popular schemes they may only operate a waiting list policy. So when they become available they will work down the list to see who is still interesting in sheltered or retirement housing in these schemes.

Is it just sheltered or retirement housing schemes that have waiting lists?

No, there could also be waiting lists for council housing. For example if you are registered with your local council housing list or a choice based lettings scheme they too may operate a waiting list especially in high demand properties and areas.

Could a housing waiting list work for shared ownership?

It probably could. So if there is a fully occupied shared ownership scheme, but it’s something you are interested to moving to then it may be possible to add your name to a waiting list for a shared ownership scheme. In this case this would be when someone is going to sell their existing shared ownership property which is known as a shared ownership resale. Likewise they may also operate a waiting list for new build shared ownership properties.

Where can I find housing waiting lists?

At the moment most of the housing waiting lists tend to be over 55s and over 60s retirement properties. You can find this when looking at an individual property page. The date available field will show a date in the future.

Whilst most housing association properties are available now, there are some instances where housing providers are building up waiting lists for these schemes.


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