October 2021

Moving House? You’ve Probably Forgotten About These Five Important Bills

Did you know that moving house has been found to be more stressful than a divorce? Whether it’s your first time moving out or you frequently relocate, organising all your bills can be difficult. What moving house bills will you forget? It’s easy to forget even the most obvious things in the excitement, and you’ll want to make the move as smooth as possible. In this ten-minute read, we’re discussing...

Do we need more affordable housing in the UK?

With a wide range of housing developments schemes featured in local and national news, the demand for affordable housing continues to increase. The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed the current market. Because it forced projects to stop and the development of certain schemes to help those struggling to become homeowners. So we discuss what current statistics suggest and the future of the affordable housing...

Why is over 55 housing so important to our economy?

What is over 55 housing? Often called retirement or sheltered housing, communities with accommodation specifically for older residents are labelled “over 55 housing”. Despite the age of retirement currently at 66, this type of housing is indeed available to those still yet to retire. It is also attractive to those wanting to live in a community amongst others of similar age. Often purpose-built...

Can I access affordable housing (and where do I start)?

Affordable housing is considered by most as the ideal way to jump onto the property ladder. Yet it is still, for the most part, shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Although the term is somewhat open to interpretation (with many different definitions available across various sources), the need for affordable housing grows by the month as the UK emerges from one of the most challenging economic...

What is affordable housing and who is eligible?

So what is affordable housing and who is eligible? You may have more options out there than you think!This blog takes you through everything you need to know about affordable housing options and where to find them... Search rental properties Find rental properties available now Search rental properties Table of...

5 Reasons Why Affordable Housing Might Not Be For You (And 5 Reasons It Absolutely Is!)

Affordable housing has become increasingly difficult to define. This sometimes leads to the assumption that affordable housing isn’t for everyone, but this isn’t true. It’s highly dependent on your wants and personal circumstances,. With more schemes becoming available, there is likely an affordable housing option out there for you! In this blog, we’ve discussed why affordable housing might not...

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