10 benefits of downsizing your home

As we get older and the children move on to pastures new we can suddenly find that we have a big surplus of space around the house.

So what to do next? Well, there are plenty of downsizing options –  and selling up and renting from a housing association is certainly a very viable one.


Here we look at the top 10 benefits of taking this route.

1) Free up finances

Selling the house will bring in a big chunk of capital, and the housing association rents will be considerably less than those on the private market. So that round the world cruise you’ve always dreamed of may not just be a pipe dream after all.

2) Great advice and support is on hand

Specialist staff at housing associations are on hand to offer a variety of tips from everything to settling in to your new place to helping you to manage your day-to-day affairs. You won’t be alone in your move.

3)  Your tenancy rights

Many housing associations have a secure tenancy which offers you strong occupancy rights as well as rights to repair and to pass your tenancy on to other members of your household, making your future much more secure.

4) Sense of community

The benefits of downsizing can often include less isolated living. Rather than feeling lonely you can live side by side with neighbours and become a big part of a new area – particularly if you move into an age-qualified community.

5) Chance to finally declutter

How long have you wanted to empty the attic or clean out the garden shed? This is your golden opportunity to have a big clear out and start afresh.

6) Help with the move

Many housing associations will offer the services a professional removal company – helping to take away one of the biggest stresses of moving home. Great support is also available for things such as moving checklists, helping ensure that the move goes as smoothly as possible.

7) The benefits of ‘smaller living’

Many people agree that living in a larger home leads to greater upkeep. There’s cleaning, furnishing, gardening and the cost and time taken for upkeep can lead to stress. Downsizing can be the first step to a more calming lifestyle.

8) Cheaper bills

Are you fed up of paying over the odds to heat a big house that you only use a small fraction of? Having a smaller home will inevitably lead to a hefty saving on utility bills.

9) Making a happier home

Having a smaller home can mean we are more likely to interact and improve our relationships with eachother, as there isn’t as much space for people to spread out. And making our home feel cozy can be a lovely environment for visiting family members.

10) More freedom

The time you gain from having less maintenance coupled with the boos to you bank balance means you can take up a new hobby and enjoy things you couldn’t do previously. Always wanted to take up golf? Now is your perfect chance!

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