Can I access affordable housing (and where do I start)?

Affordable housing is considered by most as the ideal way to jump onto the property ladder. Yet it is still, for the most part, shrouded in mystery and misconceptions.

Although the term is somewhat open to interpretation (with many different definitions available across various sources), the need for affordable housing grows by the month as the UK emerges from one of the most challenging economic situations in recent years.

So who can access affordable housing? Over the next five or so minutes, we’re going to take you through the whos, whats, and wheres of affordable housing, equipping you with the knowledge needed.

What is considered affordable housing?

As mentioned, ‘affordable housing’ as a definition is difficult to pin down. Still, taking guidance from the official UK Government website, they define affordable housing as “social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. It can be a new-build property or a private sector property that has been purchased for use as an affordable home.” 1.

In terms of financials, affordable rent is considered to be up to 80% of a normal market rent. However, this is also heavily dependant on individual council guidelines.

Who qualifies for affordable housing?

It’s clear how this type of housing solution can benefit many households across the country. But who exactly is considered eligible for affordable housing? In short, a person is eligible if they cannot afford to rent or buy properties that are currently supplied by the private sector.

Alongside the financial eligibility, some councils require proof of local connections for at least five years before they can be placed on the waiting list. Of course, there are exceptions to this and can be entirely dependant on individual circumstances – to which we would recommend you check with your local council for full eligibility criteria.

Are there any ‘hot spots’ for affordable housing?

Yes, certain areas are found to be ‘hot spots’ for affordable housing. This is, unfortunately, dependant on the supply available in those areas. For example, our data suggests that the northwest of England is a particularly good place to search for affordable housing. This is subject to change in response to the fluctuations in housing supplies.

Where can you search for affordable housing?

The good news is that the search for affordable housing is over! At MovingSoon, our one-stop-shop provides all of the information, guidance, and support you will need in your house hunt. Our home search functionality, for example, is one of the best in the market. It helps you to filter your search down to find your ideal home.

Alternatively, you can also keep an eye on your local providers – including housing associations and councils – to ensure that you’re not missing any of those perfect properties.

For the most part, climbing the property ladder is considered challenging. However, with lasting solutions like affordable housing, the process is made that little bit easier. With the MovingSoon team at your side, you’ll be in your ideal property before you know it, don’t believe us? Start your search today.

  1. [Source:]

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