Top 10 what to do when moving tips

These are our top ten what to do when moving house tips. Moving house is commonly known as one of the most stressful things you will undertake in your life.  That is why the question of what to do when moving house can have so many answers.

Top ten what to do when moving tips

What to do when moving tip 1 – Set a moving date
It will be an approximate date initially if you are buying a new home as it will depend on surveys and when the seller is able to complete. If you are going to be a tenant this will be the day you want your new rental agreement to begin.

What to do when moving tip 2 – Decide whether you will buy in professional help
This could be anything like getting in professional house cleaners, help with decluttering to hiring a removals firm to do your house move. If you want to save money you may look to ask you family or friends to help you out.

What to do when moving tip 3 – Moving house checklist
You can either create your own or download a moving house checklist from the internet. We also offer our own checklist if you’d like us to send you a copy. These moving to do lists help you to keep track and understand what you need to do when moving.

What to do when moving tip 4 – Declutter your house
Even if you aren’t getting a professional to help you it’s worthwhile getting rid of your clutter before moving house. It’s best to go room by room when decluttering. Make sure there is a room available to put in the clutter you are wanting to get rid of. There are a range of options available for all the stuff you don’t want to keep. Depending on what it is and it’s condition you may consider selling it on ebay. Or you may want to get a house clearance company in to take it away for you. Or you may even want to give it to charity.

What to do when moving tip 5 – Get enough boxes and bubble wrap
Make sure you have enough packaging for the day you move. You can purchase boxes and bubble wrap. Another alternative if you want to save money on your packaging is to go around supermarkets to see what boxes they may be able to give you.

What to do when moving tip 6 – Give your change of address details
Make sure you tell your family, friends and work colleagues you new address. It’s also important that you inform the likes of your bank, building society and utility companies of your new address. There are plenty of other people to pass this information to so it’s useful to make sure you have this on your moving house checklist.

What to do when moving tip 7 – Make the best use of the boxes
Don’t leave boxes half full especially with crockery otherwise it may get damaged during the house move. When you are packing delicate items make sure you use the bubble wrap as well and boxes are well packed and sealed. This will reduce the possibility of damage.

What to do when moving tip 8 – Have your moving system in place
Know which boxes you are going to be moving first. Also label boxes correctly so they can be easily identified and be moved into the right room.

What to do when moving tip 9 – Give your house a good clean
Leave it nice and fresh for those moving into your home. Make sure that the house cleaning is done just before you move.

What to do when moving tip 10 – Moving day survival kit
Make sure you have a pack of essentials when you move. This could include milk, bread and other snacks and drinks. It should also include cleaning stuff ready for you to get stuck in at your new property. It is also worth packing a case as if you were going to stay in a hotel for the night. So at least you will have a change of clothes handy and can easily get washed if you are too tired after moving.

So there’s our what to do when moving top ten tips. Take a look at our things to do when you move house blog post as well. Are these good moving house tips? What else would you add to this moving house to do list?

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