
We like to keep things simple here at MovingSoon and we hope that our pages offer all the answers that you need.  But just in case you need more information, we have compiled a useful Help page. Take a look.  If you still have a query please get in touch and one of the MovingSoon team will be happy to help.

Searching For Affordable Property

We like to keep things simple here at MovingSoon and we hope that our pages offer all the answers that you need.  But just in case you need more information, we have compiled a useful Help page. Take a look.  If you still have a query please get in touch and one of the MovingSoon team will be happy to help.

Searching For Affordable Property

Why Use An Affordable Property Search Engine Such As MovingSoon?

An affordable housing specialist, we bring together social and affordable homes in one place so you can find your new home for less. Start your property search today.

Do I Have To Register With MovingSoon?

No, but if you choose to apply for several properties you will need to fill out a separate enquiry form for each one.

Why Use An Affordable Property Search Engine Such As MovingSoon?

An affordable housing specialist, we bring together social and affordable homes in one place so you can find your new home for less. Start your search today.

Do I Have To Register With MovingSoon?

No, but if you choose to apply for several properties you will need to fill out a separate enquiry form for each one.

Why Would I Choose To Register With Moving Soon?

If you are interested in applying for several properties at once you can register. So there is no need to keep filling in a form for each property you are interested in. You just need to login and look for the property you are interested in and click the ‘Get Details’ button.

What We Mean When We Say ‘No Admin Fees’?

There are no fees or charges taken from prospective tenants in relation to affordability or reference checks.

What Do We Mean When We Say ‘No Deposit Required’?

If you rent from a private Landlord in the open market, you are often required to pay a deposit or ‘bond’.  This is usually equal to at least one month’s rent.  The deposit will generally be repaid at the end of the tenancy if the Landlord is satisfied there has been no damage to the property.

What Is Deposit Free Renting?

Deposit Free Renting is a way of renting a property from a private landlord with no deposit.  Instead, a membership or insurance policy is taken out to protect the landlord from any damage and or rent arrears.  Deposit Free Rent properties are coming soon.

What Is A Deposit Replacement Scheme?

deposit replacement scheme is a way of renting a property from a private landlord with no deposit.  Instead, a membership or insurance policy is taken out to protect the landlord from any damage and or rent arrears.

How Do I Rent With No Deposit?

As many of the landlords who advertise via MovingSoon are Councils and Housing Associations, they typically do not request a deposit. Start your no deposit property search today.

What Is Social Rent?

These are homes provided by Housing Associations via Choice Based Lettings Schemes.  However, they are sometimes marketed outside of the scheme direct to potential tenants.

How Does Social Rented Housing Work?

A key function of social renting is to provide accommodation that is affordable to people on low incomes. The government will limit the rent increases of such homes by law so they are kept affordable.

Who Will Decide If I Can Be Accepted For Social Rented Housing?

This is up to your local council and their allocation scheme, so it may vary area to area. Since the Localism Act 2011, councils can decide who is or isn’t eligible to go on their waiting lists for social housing.

Where Can I Find Social Rent Properties?

Right here! Search for social rent properties.

What Is Affordable Rent Or Intermediate Rent As It Is Sometimes Called?

This means that housing associations are letting their properties for up to 80% of what a privately rented property would cost.

What Is An Example Of Affordable Rent?

A 3 bed house may cost £500 per month to rent from a private landlord or agent.  However, a similar house could be available to rent from a housing association for £400 per month (this is 80% of the market rent being charged by the landlord and agent) so this would be classed as an affordable rental home.

In summary, these affordable rental homes are discounted rentals.

Can I Apply For Affordable Rent Properties?

The criteria will depend on your local council and the housing association advertising the property.  It is available to the unemployed as well as those on low incomes.

How Does Affordable Rent Differ From Social Rent?

The tenancies typically offered are for a fixed term only and not for life.

Am I Eligible For Affordable Rent Properties?

Affordable rent homes are available to applicants whose household income does not exceed £71,000 (for a one or two bedroom home) or £85,000 (for three plus bedroom homes.

Do I Need A Local Connection To Apply For Affordable Rent Properties?

That will depend on the Housing Association. They should explain their requirements in the property description.  If unsure, you can contact them directly by using the ‘Get Details’ form.

Will My Affordable Rent Remain Affordable?

The housing association can only raise the rent by a maximum of the rate of inflation +0.5%.  Basically, the rent could go up or down base on market conditions, however it should remain affordable.

Where Can I Find Affordable Rent Properties?

Right here! Search for affordable rent properties.

What Does Market Rent Mean?

Market rent is a property for rent in the private sector by private landlords, estate and letting agents. Although you can now find market rent properties being offered by housing associations too.

What Is Rent To Buy?

Rent to buy is a government initiative to help renters in social housing to buy a home. Find out more about rent to buy and how it works.

What Is Shared Ownership?

Shared ownership is a way of helping people get on the property ladder.  This is achieved by purchasing a share in a property rather than the paying the entire property value.

For example, a property may be on the market for £180,000.  You could buy a 25% share of the property so you would only need a mortgage of £45,000.  The rest of the property would be owned by the housing association.  You would pay them a monthly rent alongside your mortgage repayments.

You can purchase more shares in the property as your finances increase.

Many people find that buying through shared ownership costs less than the rent they are currently paying. Also, the shared ownership properties listed on Moving Soon are all brand new homes, meaning less money needed for decorating and building improvements. Find out more about shared ownership and how it works.

Am I Eligible To Buy A Shared Ownership Home?

The criteria varies from country to country in the UK.

In England, you must be a first time buyer, or be someone that did own a home previously but no longer can afford to and your household income must be no more than £80,000 (£90,000 in London).

For further information on similar schemes in other countries please follow these links:

Northern Ireland:



What Is Part Buy Part Rent?

This is just another name for Shared Ownership.

How Does Shared Ownership Work?

You get a mortgage for the percentage of the property you are buying, typically from 25% and rent the remaining part from the Housing Association. Find out more about how a shared ownership mortgage works.

Are All Shared Ownership Homes New Builds?

It depends on the Housing Provider.

As time goes on some of these homes may be sold as the existing owners upgrade or move on, and they will usually be sold to other families who need an affordable home through the shared ownership scheme. So although they will be a ‘new build home’ they won’t be brand new. These are typically called shared ownership resales.

Shared ownership homes currently on the Moving Soon website are new build and resales.

How Can I Get A Shared Ownership Mortgage?

You need to apply for a specialist shared ownership mortgage, but these are not as readily available as standard mortgages.  The best place to start is with a Google search for ‘shared ownership mortgages’ to list mortgage brokers who can help you.

As with a standard mortgage, you will still need to find a deposit and go through the application process, much the same as if you were buying a home in the traditional way.

Will I Need A Deposit To Buy A Shared Ownership Home?

Yes.  You will still need to have a deposit in place, typically 10% of the share of the property.

So, for example, if the property you were buying was for sale for £100,000 and you were buying a 25% share of this property this would equate to a mortgage of £25,000. In this instance a 10% deposit it would be £2,500.

The remaining share of the property, £75,000, would be owned by the Housing Provider and you would need to pay them a monthly rent.

So you will have both mortgage repayments and rent (usually at a reduced rate) to pay.

Can I Buy More Of My Shared Ownership Home Later On?

Yes.  The term given to increasing your share of your home is called Staircasing.

The way to increase your share of ownership of the home varies between different Housing Providers.  When you make an enquiry about a property you are interested in you can ask them about the terms of the sale.

For example you may be only allowed to increase the share of your home 10% at a time or you could go to owning 100% straight away.

What Is Staircasing?

Staircasing is the term used when you are buying a bigger share in your shared ownership property.  Think of it as climbing the stairs to owning your home outright.

You might start off owning 25% of your property but as your financial circumstances improve, you may be able to afford to buy a further 25%, so that you would own 50% overall.

The housing association may have a limit on the overall percentage of the property that you can buy if they want to keep the home as shared ownership stock.  You should ask about this when you make an enquiry about your preferred property.

Will I Be Able To Own My Shared Ownership Home Outright?

Some schemes allow you to buy the whole property, while on others there is an upper limit. This may be because your property is reserved for people on a waiting list who are unable to buy on the open market. In this case, if you are in a position to buy another home outright you would sell your home back to the Housing Provider and move out of the shared ownership scheme and on to the open market.

It is best to find the properties you like and to ask the Housing Provider what the criteria for outright ownership is.

What Happens If I Want To Sell My Shared Ownership Home?

There may be restrictions on who you can sell your property to as these homes are earmarked for those who can’t afford to buy. Each scheme will be run slightly differently depending on the area they are in. You will be able to find out more information when enquiring about your preferred property.

Where Can I Find Shared Ownership Properties?

Moving Soon specialises in affordable homes and we have many Shared Ownership homes available across the UK.

Start your search for a shared ownership property now.

What Is Shared Equity?

Shared Equity is an alternative to renting or buying a property outright.  Instead, you will purchase a fixed percentage share of a property. Generally the fixed percentage is 50%, but this can vary. Fixed percentage means you can only ever own that percentage share of the property.

How Is Shared Equity Different From Shared Ownership?

With shared ownership you can buy a share of between 25-75% of the property you are buying. You can also buy more of the property at a later stage if you want to.  With shared equity, the percentage is fixed, generally at 50%.  Fixed percentage means that you can only ever own the percentage share of the property and will not have the opportunity to buy more.

Also with shared ownership, you own part of the property and the housing association also part own their share.  You pay part mortgage and part rent.  With shared equity you are the 100% owner-occupier and are fully responsible for the cost and maintenance of the property.

With Shared Equity, What Will I Own?

You will own 100% of the property, but will purchase a fixed share (usually 50%). The housing association provider will then have a permanent charge over the property for the remaining percentage. You are classed as the owner-occupier, which means that you are fully responsible for the maintenance and repair of the property. For flats you will own 100% leasehold.

What Costs Will I Incur During The Shared Equity Purchase Process?

There will be a number of costs incurred during the purchase, which you will be responsible for, such as Fees for valuation of the property, surveys, search fees, solicitors’ fees, mortgage deposit and removal costs. There could also be Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT), where applicable. There will be an option of how you will pay for this, either paying the full amount due on the property or paying for it in stages as you purchase further shares in the property. Your solicitor will be able to advise you further on this matter.

Who Is Responsible For The Management And Maintenance Of A Shared Equity Property?

You will normally be responsible for the management and maintenance of your property. Building Insurance may well be payable to the housing provider. It is important to check this with the housing provider.

What If I Want To Sell My Shared Equity Property?

You will need to get in touch with the housing provider you bought it from.

What Do I Need To Do If I See A Property I Am Interested In?

Each property advert has a green ‘Get Details’ button.  Click the Request Details and a form will be populated for you to tell the advertiser that you are interested and provide your contact details.

I Haven’t Heard Back Since Completing The Request Details Form. What Should I Do?

Try and contact the advertiser direct.  We add the name and contact details of each advertiser on the property page.  If a telephone number is not listed on our site you will be able to contact find this by completing a simple Google search.

Do You Offer Home Removals Quotes?

We work with an online partner to provide you with competitive quotes. You simply complete the removals request form and submit it to us.

Do You Offer A Free Moving House Checklist?

Yes we offer free moving home checklists. Get in touch for more details.

What Is Over 55’S Housing?

It is housing only available to those aged 55 or over.  The properties have specific facilities to cater for this age group which is why the applications are restricted by age.

What Is Sheltered Housing Or Sheltered Accommodation?

This is rental accommodation specifically for older people, age 55 or over.  Accommodation is usually within a block of flats, bungalows, or small houses.  There is often a scheme manager and on-site support, but generally people living in sheltered accommodation are able to look after themselves.

Where Can I Find Sheltered Housing Properties?
What Are The Criteria For Sheltered Housing?

To move into a sheltered housing property you will have to meet a specific set of criteria which will be set by the housing association who manage the homes.  Most housing associations will only accept applicants over the age of 55.  There may be exceptions depending on your circumstances, for example, if you are claiming disability living allowance (DLA).  You will need to ask the housing association to confirm their criteria on application.

What Is Retirement Housing?

This is essentially the same as Sheltered Housing. There may be slight differences depending on the Housing Provider.

What Is Independent Living?

This is essentially the same as Sheltered Housing. There may be slight differences depending on the Housing Provider.

What Is Extra Care Housing?

This is very similar to Sheltered Housing, except Extra Care housing includes the provision of on-site care and social activities.

Housing Associations / Agents

Who Can List Properties On MovingSoon?

Organisations that offer affordable homes. These include Councils, Housing Associations, Choice Based Lettings Schemes, ALMOs, Agents and House Builders.

Do You Have A Specific Property Listing Criteria?

Yes.  We only list homes for Social Rent, Affordable Rent, Market Rent, Rent to Buy, Shared Ownership and outright Sale.

Where Can I Find Your Contact Details?

You can email us via the Contact Us page.

Can I Still List A Property If I Am Not Registered?

No, you need to register with us to be able to list your available homes.

How Much Does It Cost Do Advertise On MovingSoon?

All clients are offered a free 30 day trial to advertise with us.  After that, the cost will depend on the type of properties you are advertising for example, whether they are to rent, shared ownership, shared ownership resale etc.  Please contact us if you need a quote.

How Long Will My Properties Be Listed On Your Website?

We will explain this as it will depend on the package you have signed up to.

Affordable Office Space

What Are Serviced Offices?

Serviced offices provide the basics you need to work from an office environment without the long term commitment. You simply pay as you go or take out a short term contract. The office space will service various businesses or freelance individuals.

How Do Serviced Offices Work?

There are desks provided and in most cases utilities such as electrics and Wi-Fi will be readily available. Alternatively you may be able to rent a small office within the building at low cost and flexible terms.  You simply bring your device with you to get to work in an office environment at a low cost and low risk.

Why Serviced Offices?

If you are a small business or someone who is starting out, setting up your own office is usually expensive and involves a commitment to renting space.  Serviced offices provide flexibility to work in the office when you choose.  Most provide daily rates.

What Is Shared Office Space Or Shared Workspace As It Is Sometimes Called?

This is where other people are sharing the same office and facilities with you.   These could be from other businesses or self-employed.

What Is Co-Working Space?

This is where other people are sharing the same office and facilities with you.   These could be from other businesses or self-employed.

What Is Flexible Office Space?

This is an office space with no commitment.  You can pay as you go.  For example, you can work from the office and pay a daily rate for using a hot desk and services. You do not need to pay for the days you are not working from there.

What Does Hot Desk Mean?

This means you do not have a static desk that is yours.   You choose a different desk daily (you can choose the same desk if you like as long as it is available but it is not yourdesk).

Why Hot Desk?

Hot desking is a cheap and flexible way of working in an office environment.  It means you can work in an office without having overhead charges such as utilities and rent as you are simply paying for a desk for the day. It is also a great way to meet other like-minded individuals.

I’m A Micro Coworking Space Provider Can I Advertise On MovingSoon?

Yes.  Please contact us for more details.

Micro Homes

What Are Micro Homes?

A micro home is a small purpose built dwelling that can be lived in. The aim of the micro home is that it is affordable to build and buy and saves space in a time where available land can be a problem.

How Big Are Micro Homes?

Sizes vary depending on the provider.  They can be as small as 200 sq foot.

Where To Put Micro Homes?

As long as you have planning permission from your local council, you can erect your micro home on your own land.  Some people are placing them in their back gardens as an annex for a family member.

I’m A Micro Home Provider Can I Advertise On MovingSoon?

Yes.  Please contact us for more details.

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