Housing Association Business Improvement & Marketing – Case Study

If you thought MovingSoon was simply an advertising portal for affordable and social housing think again.  Combining the skills and past lives of our talented team, we offer bespoke business transformation and process improvement packages to help streamline and improve your business.

You should read this case study of our time working alongside one of the largest housing associations in Merseyside.  By choosing services from our MovingSoon Consultants package, we were able to help them to reduce their voids, minimise rent loss and increase their revenue stream.

We can help you too.

How we improved business for our housing association client

An existing client approached us for advice to reduce their voids.  Quite simply, they needed help but they needed it quickly and cost effectively.  We were quick to take up the call to action and after a detailed meetings to understand the underlying problems we were able to draw up a plan.

So how did we help our client to reduce their voids, minimise rent loss and increase their revenue stream? We worked in partnership with them on a few areas.

Process Improvement

Our Task: Our client had a working process for their choice based lettings (CBL).  However, any other lettings were failing with leads being lost and an increasing amount of void properties.

MovingSoon were quick to define processes to deal with property enquiries outside of the normal CBL route.

Firstly, we learnt about how the current CBL process was working so that we could develop a similar process for none CBL properties.  This would simplify work for the staff and be easy to explain. We developed a new process map, which included designing a bespoke online application form to deal with inquiries for their readily available properties.

End Result: A simpler and streamlined business process to monitor enquiries for properties outside of the normal CBL route.

Get in touch for more details about how we can help your housing association through business transformation and business improvement.

Advertising & Marketing of Housing Developments

Our Task: To help our client market their more specialist properties to those who met the specific criteria.

We needed to eradicate unsuitable enquiries for specialist properties.  For example, they were receiving enquiries from under 55’s for retirement properties which were 55 over and so on.

We worked with our clients marketing and housing teams to prepare material for their newly refurbished housing developments. It was also important to ensure the specific criteria for applicants were clearly reflected in their online property adverts.

Each of the schemes we worked on had different criteria. It was not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Marketing material was made specific for each scheme.

End Result: They were successful in letting their properties to their target market. Our targeted approach reduced lead to higher quality leads ensuring that our client only received enquiries from those suitable for the property.  This saved time and administration costs.

Property Advertising

Our Task: To advertise new build properties and newly refurbished housing schemes. All of our MovingSoon clients are responsible for uploading their property adverts.  However, we conducted an audit to ensure quality and promote leads. This included making sure they had good quality images to use and the property descriptions were targeted so they would get enquiries from their target client group. End Result: They generating targeted inquiries which ultimately led to successful new tenants occupying their properties. Are you a Housing Association, ALMO, Council or Choice Based Lettings Scheme wanting to increase occupancy and reduce voids? If so, find out about listing your properties with us.

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