Housing Association Process Improvement Consultancy

Do you believe your housing association could benefit from having better processes in place? Have you identified potential improvement in your own processes for dealing with your customers? Would you like an impartial business to review and critique your current business processes?

If the answer is Yes to any of the above we can help you. We can provide a full range of consultancy and support to local housing associations. Get in touch for further information. Our project management and process re-engineering experience includes work with multi-national FTSE100 companies.

Review your current business processes

As a fresh pair of eyes we can review your current processes. Like our own business we believe in continuous improvement. We’ve built our own processes and procedures for helping to deal with all the aspects of our business. They are embedded in our culture. We want to offer the best experience for our customers.

We can spend time with individuals at all levels across the part of your business you are looking to evaluate. We will work with them seeking out how they do things now and spotting how they could do them better tomorrow.

Following our thorough review we will prepare a report based on our findings. This will run through your current processes and identify any issues with them. We will also recommend new processes for you and identify the benefits of these changes for individuals and the business.

Consultancy work for process re-engineering and improvement

Should you agree with our recommendations we can work with the relevant individuals who are part of the process to implement the changes. This will include updating key documentation of processes. It will also include on-the-job training for individuals.

We can help to drive your own business transformation with the implementation of new, streamlined processes. When doing our work we are always considering the improvement of the customer experience.

We have a proven track record in business transformation and process improvement. As consultants we are hands on and have the credibility and interpersonal skills to build collaborative and productive relationships wherever we work. We pride ourselves on our communication skills at all levels to explain what we are doing and why.

Please get in touch for further information. We can also offer you marketing consultancy services as well.

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