December 2014

Tritani civibus sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id elit signiferumque usu. Putent possim senserit mei an, est ei prodesset consetetur interpretaris. Eu sed choro iuvaret, ea fugit sensibus deseruisse pro. Maiorum deleniti similique id nam. Eripuit euripidis et est, est no menandri ullamcorper, ut habeo solet populo usu. In partiendo intellegam Theophrastus vis, ius quando pericula eu, id nam duis deseruisse. Eu eam facete...

Housing Associations adapting to change

Housing Associations are adapting to change. They are needing to change their processes and procedures in order to fulfil their role in helping people to rent or buy property. Photo courtesy of lydia_shiningbrightly(CC Attribution)Social landlords adapting to change Times are changing for social landlords. As well as providing homes to those not in work they are now finding...

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