Renting a Desk in CoWorking Space was so important for our journey

As the founder of MovingSoon, I've taken the business to many different working environments.  From the humble beginnings of starting up in my bedroom and working from the kitchen table, to moving into coworking space.  From there, we finally bit the bullet and got our own office. I love that the MovingSoon office is actually a shed (more on that later!) as affordability is the basis of our business...

shared ownership vs renting what will you do

Shared Ownership vs Renting, what will you do?

Is shared ownership worth it? Are you moving house and debating whether to rent a property or buy via shared ownership? If so, this blog could help you to make your decision.  We will be reviewing the pros and cons of shared ownership houses versus renting to help you make an informed choice. Table of Contents Is shared ownership better than renting?For many, renting a property is a more...

Should affordable housing be based on market value or amount of income?

Theresa May recently delivered one of her final talks at the Homes Conference, Manchester.  Alongside Brexit, the housing crisis in the UK has been top of the agenda during her time at Number 10.  May stated that affordable housing should be “Bigger, better and more beautiful”.  Discussing the need for them to be spacious and aesthetically pleasing as well as practical.  Are affordable housing...

Is sofa surfing classed as homeless?

Sofa surfing. Is it classed as homeless? That is a good question and one that can cause some confusion as well as problems for the ‘sofa surfer’ in question. But before we go down the path of the implications of sofa surfing and what you can do to help your situation, let’s clear up a few points by explaining what it means. By the end of this article, you should understand the sofa surfing...

shared ownership eligibility

Shared Ownership eligibility, what is the criteria?

Shared ownership eligibility, so what is the criteria? When it comes to the eligibility criteria for buying shared ownership property, there are no rules as such. However, you must qualify for shared ownership to be eligible. In addition to this, there are a number of factors you should also consider. In this blog post we will discuss the eligibility criteria for buying shared ownership...

is shared ownership worth it

Is shared ownership worth it?

So is shared ownership worth it? It’s quite normal to have concerns when you buy a house, whether you are buying it outright or on an affordable housing scheme such as shared ownership. Our homes are (for most of us) the most expensive purchase we’ll ever make, so we need to do it right. In this blog post we will explore the pros and cons of shared ownership. Hopefully answer any questions that may...

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