What Are The Pros And Cons For Shared Ownership

What Are The Pros And Cons For Shared Ownership?

So what are the pros and cons for shared ownership? As any form of housing, there are both pros and cons of the shared ownership scheme and shared ownership properties. Within this article, will we look to explore the main benefits and drawbacks of shared ownership. Search shared ownership properties Table of Contents What Are The Pros Of Shared Ownership?There...

Leasehold changes, are there going to be any?

Ending the 'leasehold scandal' Is the leasehold scandal ending?  Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick announced on 7th January that around 4.5 million leaseholders will be offered to extend their lease by a maximum 990 years at 0 ground rent. As shared ownership properties are for the most leasehold this will have an impact on this tenure as well as any other properties that are leasehold. What does leasehold...

What is the difference between social rent, affordable rent and market rent?

We are going to explore the differences between social rent, affordable rent and market rentThe most common type of social housing is social rented homes, which are usually about 50% of the local market rent. Affordable rented homes are also available,  these are usually around 80% of the local market rent or even lower. Market rental properties are those which do not have to fit an affordability criteria...

Is Shared Ownership only for first time buyers?

So is shared ownership only for first time buyers? The answer is no, not strictly. It is a great option for first time buyers though. Search shared ownership properties Table of Contents There are many reasons why other buyers may want to choose shared ownership could be;They want to downsize - Maybe a family has become smaller due to children growing up and...

What housing association tenancies are available?

Getting a tenancy with an affordable housing provider such as a housing association? What types of tenancies do they do offer, how much will I have to pay and how long will it last, may be some of the questions you are wanting to find the answers for. We have answered these and more questions below in detail. What housing association tenancies are on offer? Housing association tenancies include starter...

renting in retirement

Renting in Retirement: Ultimate Guide to Renting vs Owning

Renting in retirement or owning? Planning whether to buy or rent after you retire is important. After-all owning a retirement home can be a thing of beauty. Your mortgage is paid off, you can start living the retirement life you had planned out for years. Search Over 55s Rent Search Over 55s Sale Table of Contents Considering...

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