help to buy

Downsize your home without downsizing your lifestyle

If you are heading towards or over the age of 55 have you started your retirement planning?  One thing you might consider is a house move.  Let us provide some helpful advice and make an astonishing suggestion. Selling a house As we get older, many of us realise that we no longer need the large family home.  Selling it on and moving into a smaller place on average releases around £80k for UK home...

How to make your property dreams reality in 2018

Are you constantly hearing that it is too difficult these days to become a first time buyer? That the UK is in the grips of the worst housing crisis since the Second World War? If you have given up your dreams of owning your own place, we are here to help rebuild your property dreams. Read on and discover how you can own or be on the path to own your own home before the end of 2018. And no, you will not...

UK Housing – Key points from the 2017 Budget

Many of us had been waiting with baited breath to see what Wednesday’s Budget would deliver.  After weeks of speculation and hearing about how the Tories were classing the ‘UK housing crisis’ as a priority, all was finally revealed. We will discuss and summarise here, the relevant points made in relation to housing in the UK. Time to look forward not backwards Highlighting the demand for homes...

October UK Housing round up

October has been a productive month in terms of the social housing sector. The government seem to have accelerated discussions in terms of budgets for affordable housing and reviewing a number of important issues such as prioritisation for domestic abuse victims. This blog aims to summarise the month’s main new stories. Additional government funding allocated to Help to Buy October kicked off with news...

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