shared ownership

The Secrets of Shared Ownership - The Things You May Not Know

The Secrets of Shared Ownership – The Things You May Not Know

So what are the secrets of shared ownership? When it comes to affordable housing, shared ownership is often brought up as a great way to get on the property ladder. This is still very true - from the availability of smaller mortgages to working your way up to being a full homeowner, it remains a fantastic option. As we always say, do your research to decide whether or not it is the right tenure for you....

What Are The Costs Of Shared Ownership

What Are The Costs Of Shared Ownership?

So, when buying and selling shared ownership houses, what are the costs you can expect to see? When it comes to selling your shared ownership property, there are some costs to consider. We’ve already discussed Estate Agent fees when selling shared ownership.In this blog, we explain what shared ownership costs are involved when buying and selling these homes. Search shared ownership...

What are the Estate Agent fees for selling shared ownership

What are the Estate Agent fees for selling shared ownership?

Estate agent fees for selling shared ownership, what are they? In this article we aim to take you through the costs you can expect to face when selling a shared ownership property. As a general guide to you may wish to read our selling shared ownership property with an estate agent blog. It might provide a good starting point for you. Search shared ownership...

Am I eligible for shared ownership properties

Am I eligible for shared ownership properties?

Shared ownership eligibility, so what is the criteria? When it comes to the eligibility criteria for buying shared ownership property, there are no rules as such.However, you must qualify for shared ownership to be eligible. In addition to this, there are a number of factors you should also consider. In this blog post we will discuss the eligibility criteria for buying shared ownership...

Can I Sell A Shared Ownership Property With An Estate Agent

Can I Sell A Shared Ownership Property With An Estate Agent?

So, can I sell my shared ownership property with an estate agent? In 2020, it was estimated there were 157,000 shared ownership households in England. This affordable housing option is becoming more popular for individuals who are struggling to save for their first home. You buy your shares in your home, but things change, and you want to move on… What happens now? The process of selling your Shared...

Do people in Greater London have better knowledge of Shared Ownership?

According to our data, the top postcode for searches for the first 6 months of 2021 for shared ownership homes were in Greater London postcode SW1A. Does this mean that people within Greater London have more knowledge about shared ownership? Shared Ownership in Greater London Obviously as London is the capital. We would expect it to be popular with people wanting to live there. However, why else is...

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