Pet Insurance, is it worth it

Pet insurance, is it worth it?

It really depends on the type of pets you keep. With rising cost of living there are lots of other costs to consider. However, depending on the type of pet you keep it may make financial sense. Since covid there has been more focus on this, especially if you are renting a home or looking to rent as to whether it is a pet friendly rental.

We have partnered with to help you save money on your pet insurance.

Is Pet insurance Worth it for dogs?

These are one of the most popular animals to keep.  The purpose of pet insurance for your dog would be to cover any unexpected vets bills if they get ill. You have to consider whether it is worth paying for pet insurance to give you that extra comfort should this happen. If you don’t and there are unexpected vets bills to pay it could have a big impact on your own financial situation.

If you do decide to insure your dog a lot will depend on it’s age. It is worthwhile getting quotes to see what’s on offer and the type of coverage you can get.

Is Pet Insurance Worth It for cats?

You may think that the costs are not going to be as high or less likely for a cat. However, they too like dogs may get ill and mean that you have to find money to get them treated.

What about pet insurance for other animals?

A lot will depend on the type of animals you are looking to cover. It may be that you keep exotic pets or bigger pets. It is worthwhile getting some quotes to see what type of costs they are to insure. Like everything it is down to your preference. If you decide not to insure your pet you may find you need to pay an unexpected bill in the future.

Renting with pets

Pet insurance, is it worth it? The biggest concern initially will be if you are moving to rented accommodation or are in a rented property you are allowed to keep pets. When applying for a rental property you will need to check with the agent or housing provider if they offer pet friendly rentals.

Shared ownership with pets

What if you are looking to buy a shared ownership property or any leasehold property? You will need to find out from the agent, housing provider or person you are buying from if you are allowed to keep pets in your home. 

Do i need to tell my current pet insurance provider when i move house?

Yes as they will need to update your policy details. Also, depending on where you are moving too it may affect the coverage. It may be worth getting a new quote for pet insurance if this happens.
What if you are looking to buy a shared ownership property or any leasehold property? You will need to find out from the agent, housing provider or person you are buying from if you are allowed to keep pets in your home. 

What Other Things Do You Need To Update When Moving?

As well as pet insurance, some of the other things to consider when moving house include updating and / or changing broadband and saving money on home insurance. You could also look at car insurance as well as telling the DVLA your new address.

Take a look at our free moving house checklist for more details.

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