should you use cardboard boxes when moving house

Should You Use Cardboard Boxes For Moving House?

Cardboard boxes for moving house? The simple answer is, absolutely you should use cardboard boxes when moving house. The beauty of cardboard boxes coming folded down is that you should be able to find enough space to store them before you need them to start packaging. This means less clutter when they are not needed.

Some removals companies also offer a packing service. It’s definitely something to look at if you have a lot of things to move and don’t have the time to pack your belongings. If you are doing it yourself here is what you need to do.

Table of Contents

Get Your Cardboard Boxes For Moving House

You can buy cardboard boxes or you may even be able to find boxes that aren’t being used. For example speak to a local company who get their deliveries in boxes to see if they can keep them for you. As well as buying brand new cardboard boxes you may be able to pick some up second hand or from some friends. Don’t forget to save your own boxes.

Packing Tape To Seal The Cardboard Boxes

If you’ve ordered your own boxes or have managed to pick up used boxes you will need packing tape. If they are flat when they arrive you will need the packing tape to transform them into boxes ready for packing.

Get Bubble Wrap And Newspaper

Bubble wrap and newspaper is so handy to wrap up valuables and box to reduce the likelihood of breakages on the way to your new house. As above you can buy bubble wrap rolls or you ask family and friends to see if they have any they have kept back from packages they have received.

Allocate Boxes To Each Room And Label

This is so important. This way when you get to your new house you will know which boxes go to where i.e. ‘kitchen’, ‘bathroom’, ‘bedroom’, you get the picture. You can either use a marker pen to mark the tape on the boxes or the boxes themselves. Alternatively you can look to use sticky labels and even colour code them too if that helps.

Once you have the boxes in their rooms you can start packing. If you have chosen a removals company to do the packing that’s great. You won’t have to worry about any of this. If you are doing it yourself this is the best way to be prepared for your move. You may think you will remember which is in which box, but you won’t. There is such a lot to do when moving house that labelling your cardboard boxes is a game changer.

Ready For Your Move!

If you’ve done the packing yourself, well done you’re ready for your move. Even if you choose to do the cardboard box packing yourself it doesn’t mean you can’t use a removals company. It just means you have saved money by doing it yourself.

Depending on your move you may be doing the whole thing yourself. In which case it will either be several car journeys back and forth. Or you will hire a van and get some help from family or friends. Or you’ve got a removals firm in to do this part of the job.

What Other Things Do You Need To Update When Moving House?

Several other tasks and considerations should be on your moving house checklist:

Car Insurance: If you’re moving to a new area, your car insurance rates may change based on several factors including crime rates and where you are parking your car. It’s essential to inform your car insurance provider of your new address and make any necessary adjustments to your policy.

Broadband: Update or change your broadband service provider if necessary to ensure you have internet connectivity in your new home. More importantly check that your current provider can actually provide access in your new home!

Home Insurance: Remember to update your home insurance when moving house. The policy will need to reflect your new address and any changes in property value or contents. It’s worthwhile checking to make sure you’re getting the best deal for home insurance at your new address.

DVLA: Notify the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) of your new address to maintain up to date driving records.

Utility Providers: Notify gas, water, and electricity companies about your change of address to ensure uninterrupted services where possible.

Postal Service: Set up mail redirection with Royal Mail to receive important documents and correspondence.

Take a look at our free moving house checklist for more details

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